Surf’s up for summer
Surf’s up for summer
Waves Audio has announced improvements in its Cloud MX Audio Mixer. By addressing the evolving needs of broadcasters and media networks, these upgrades are said to reduce time-to-deployment and complexity, particularly benefiting IT DevOps teams tasked with managing these environments. Waves now supports licence activation to an instance’s local disk drive or an external EBS drive on AWS, as well as to a Persistent Disk on GCP, and the company also now provides comprehensive automated scripts that enable broadcasters and M&E companies to create complete environments with a single push of a button. Meanwhile, Waves Central, the hub for managing Waves licenses and installations, now features automated activation and installation capabilities.
The manufacturer has also released an enhanced version of StudioVerse. The update – part of the V15 update of the Waves plugin catalogue – adds instrument chains to StudioVerse via the new plugin StudioVerse Instruments, allowing users to play, browse and audition thousands of custom-designed instrument presets from the StudioVerse library.
Waves V15 has been designed to deliver more power to all users’ current collection of plugins, with new features including MIDI mapping, a parameter locking feature, additional features in specific plugins and recently released plugins added to major bundles.