Integration with EASE
Integration with EASE
Providing a simplified interface function with EASE 5, ArrayCalc 11.4 from d&b audiotechnik aims to simplify workflows for a range of users such as acoustic planners, consulting offices and sound engineers. As the industry's leading electroacoustic simulation software, EASE 5 provides users with a more efficient workflow for modelling sound systems and room acoustics. ArrayCalc 11.4 enables users to export the XLD file format with an extended set of information to facilitate the transfer of relevant data from ArrayCalc 11.4 to EASE 5, allowing users to focus more on creativity and precision.
Version 11.4’s advanced XLD export feature is specifically for d&b system designs. The XLD text file includes the loudspeaker GLL type (eg XSL LA.gll) as well as positioning, orientation, delay and level information for each element of the sound system as configured in ArrayCalc. This enhancement streamlines the handover process with EASE 5, allowing users to import the comprehensive XLD file directly into the simulation environment. Meanwhile, for projects involving point source groups, each individual point source item within the group is also exported, ensuring accurate representation and simplifying complex simulations.